Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sense and Sensibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sense and Sensibility - Essay Example Taking up the subject of lip service we can perceive how ladies in that century were commonly side-lined even by their own fragile living creature and blood as showed by Henry Dashwood when he surrenders his whole home to his child knowing completely well that his significant other and little girls would be left dejected and sympathizing with them on their destiny. John Dashwood, too ends up being a greater charlatan for in the wake of having despicably dismissed his sisters, he comes to look for Elinor’s compassion and says, â€Å"†¦..for else we both wished particularly to have welcomed you and Marianne to be with us, while your thoughtful companion there was going to her little girl. What's more, presently to be so remunerated! I wish, with my entire existence, says poor Fanny, in her friendly way, that we had solicited your sisters rather from them. (Austen, 228) And has the nerve to stand by to be expressed gratitude toward, which the welcoming Elinor does. Lucy act s disreputably and exposes her double-dealing nature when she guarantees that she had requested that Edward end their commitment as it would not be a glad one (after Edward had been excluded) and that Edward had denied when actually, it was Lucy who had wouldn't end the commitment prior. Both John and Lucy are exemplifications of bad faith since they proclaim to be worried about others’ government assistance or are profuse in their recognition for somebody while all the time they are plotting how to exploit them. Lucy is an individual who can't limit herself from her selfishnessâ€Å"†¦.. what's more, furtively made plans to benefit herself, at Delaford, with respect to as she could, of his workers, his carriage, his dairy animals, and his poultry. (Austen, 253) even towards somebody who had been of such assistance to her. The characters in Austen’s tale are commonly mindful of the significance of cash and however individuals like Elinor take it in the correct soul (not thinking little of or

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