Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Do You Think About Medieval Times - 1606 Words

What do you think of when you hear medieval times? I bet you think of evil people all around but that’s not all was there was in this time. There were many different people, there were kings, queens, peasants, and just normal people and how they got through their lives. Kings took ownership of land and would rule large areas, to protect his land from invasion. Every king was at the top of the feudalism Pyramid. The king would grant important nobles to the land. The nobles pledged to loyalty by swearing to serve and protect the king. He would grant land to the less powerful of the military, who would promise to fight to defend the king’s land and to fight for the king exchange for their land. They were called vassals. Vassals would fight for the king in exchange for their land. The lands were worked on by the peasants or serfs. Peasants that belonged to the land and had to have permission from to be able to leave the land. There were many different types of peasants. There were Villeins, they were the wealthiest class on peasants, they usually cultivated 20-40 acres of land. A smallholder, they were the middle class, they farmed more land than a cottager but less than a villein. They farmed about 10-20 acres of land. A cottager, they were the lowest class, they farm very little land or no land at all. Commoner, they were also the one of the lowest class. They had a right to be in or over common land jointly with another or others. A peasant, they were farm laborer of lowShow MoreRelatedModern Codes of Chivalry831 Words   |  4 Pages† In medieval times, Knights had to fight for themselves and always put themselves and what they think is right, first. Today there is a similar idea of how people need to be themselves and not pretend to be others. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Role of Project Planning in Improving Construction Project...

THE ROLE OF PROJECT PLANNING IN IMPROVING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DELIVERY A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BY EGWIM IKENNA OKECHUKWU 20011144146 PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE B. TECH. DEGREE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OWERRI, IMO STATE NIGERIA. OCTOBER 2006. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this research project was carried out by Egwim Ikenna O. of the Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Owerri, under the supervision of Dr. Ukwuoma F.P.O and is hereby admitted as having partially satisfied the†¦show more content†¦AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3 4. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 4 5. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY 4 6. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS 6 CHAPTER TWO HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA 7 2.1.1 PARTIES IN A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 9 2.2 PROJECT PLANNING 11 2.2.1 THE PURPOSE OF PROJECT PLANNING 14 2.2.2 REASONS FOR PROJECT PLANNING 14 2.2.3 PITFALLS IN PROJECT PLANNING 15 2.2.4 CONSTRAINTS TO PLANNING 17 2.3 STEPS IN PLANNING A PROJECT 18 2.3.1 STEP 1: DEFINE AND ORGANIZE THE PROJECT 19 2.3.2 STEP 2: DEVELOP THEShow MoreRelatedReconstruction Of Post Disaster Reconstruction Projects896 Words   |  4 PagesPost-disaster reconstruction projects are influenced by administrative, political, social, economic, and cultural settings. The likelihood of success of such projects diminishes if and when systematic recovery plans are absent and the project cost and time overruns. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Factors that Hamper the Progress of Futuremed-Samples for Students

Question: Prepare an analysis of the key external factors impacting the Organisations innovative capacity and offer recommendations supported by explanation for addressing them. Answer: Analysing key external factors The analysis of the case study shows that one of the key external factors that may hamper the progress of FutureMed is the Research and Development team have less understanding about medicines. As stated by Cascio (2018) it is important for the research and development to have a complete knowledge about the current market status. In the case of FutureMed, it is seen that the organisation does not have the resources required to exploit the research and development department in the organisation. Another factor that may play a crucial role in the innovation capacity of the organisation is the fact that the senior managers of the departments are all above 55 years of age. This hinders the chances of innovative ideas and the urge to explore the uncertain areas. This plays an important part as the social factor of the organisation comes into focus. The aged senior members of the organisation point out to the lack of social relations of the organisation. Apart from this, the stakeholders also play a crucial role in hindering the innovative process. The legal factor of the country prevents the registration of radiopharmaceuticals in a successful manner. It has been seen that the registration of radiopharmaceuticals under the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) is challenging. However, in countries like Indonesia and New Zealand, such regulations exist in few. The financers are not aware of the drugs as it is relatively new in the market and is considered as a developing branch of science that can be effective for customers. Recommendation After the analysis, it can be recommended that FutureMed need to develop talents so that research and development can be conducted properly. Research and development of the organisation can be improved by recruiting people that have an experience in market research. The market research technique of the organisation needs to be such that it helps it develop competitive advantage. The second issue that has come to the limelight is the age factor of the senior member. This can be considered as an internal problem as well as an external problem. The owners of the organisation need to recruit talented and skilled young people who can take the responsibilities as head of the departments. By doing so new tactics can be implemented that may help the FutureMed be innovative. The social factor of the organisation needs to be improved so that it can recruit people for senior as well as junior posts. To mitigate the challenge faced by the legal framework, FutureMed can export the radiopharmaceutical to countries where the registration of such drugs can be done easily. A research and development branch can be set up in either New Zealand or Indonesia to see the effects of the drugs successfully. This can help the company gain some form of revenue to continue its production of the drugs. Overall, it can be said that FutureMed need to have sharp and talented personnel that can address the external threats of the organisation. References Cascio, W., 2018.Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education Botha, A., Kourie, D. and Snyman, R., 2014.Coping with continuous change in the business environment: Knowledge management and knowledge management technology. Elsevier. Hamilton, L. and Webster, P., 2015.The international business environment. Oxford University Press, USA. Ismail, N.A. and Kuivalainen, O., 2015. The effect of internal capabilities and external environment on small-and medium-sized enterprises international performance and the role of the foreign market scope: The case of the Malaysian halal food industry.Journal of International Entrepreneurship,13(4), pp.418-451.